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Junk Food ChristianityThe Decline of the Usa, the End Times, and Biblical Prophecy【電子書籍】[ Jay Anthony ]
<p>The past fifty years have seen a steady decline of biblical mores in the United States and much of Western culture. As if in response, the frequency and magnitude of disasters and suffering, both natural and manmade, seems to be exploding everywhere. What might this mean for you and me, America, and humankind?</p> <p>Author Jay Anthony has witnessed much of the decline firsthand. In Junk Food Christianity: The Decline of the USA, the End Times, and Biblical Prophecy, he surveys numerous and often subtle ways Americans, even within many Christian churches, have strayed ever further from following Gods Word as their moral standard. As the god of feelings is increasingly celebrated and worshipped at many a pulpit and altar, Junk Food Christianity draws our attention to how God historically dealt with humankindin particular with the chosen people, when they, too, strayed from Gods Word. Discover how numerous gods have infiltrated our lives. Learn how God reacted when previous generations evicted him from their lives. What can we learn from the signs of our times? Our loving God forewarns us of an impending fate for those who choose to ignore the harbingers accompanying the decline of mores.</p> <p>Are we headed for the end times of our nation, of the World? Is there any hope? Junk Food Christianity: The Decline of the US, the End Times, and Biblical Prophecy holds the key to a way out of our predicament and to saving ourselves, our nation, and perhaps life on this planet!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。
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junkfood 関連ツイート
@sakuchan0704 2018/12/03 19:45
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@ayakabu 2018/12/01 12:27
RT @honokam: 【宙のお守り展】開催中です
@Toshi_junkfood 2018/11/28 22:57
美容室Authen 個展。
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